The Special Rapporteur supports the protection of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association via litigation in national and regional courts. He submits amicus briefs in relevant cases pending before regional and national courts. His interventions seek to promote the use of international norms and principles by the judiciary.
Did you know? The word amicus brief is derived from its full name Amicus Curiae brief, or brief by the friend of the court in Latin. A term used when a person with a strong interest on the subject matter – most commonly concerning matters of public interest such as civil rights – assists the court by offering information or expertise.
The following is a list of amicus briefs sent by UNSR Voule since 2018 and the decisions adopted by the courts, when available.
Court Of APPEAL OF GUATEMALA, date: DECEMber 2023
- Read the Amicus brief in Spanish
Constitutional Court Of Uganda, date: September 2021
- Read the Amicus brief in English
Constitutional court of Colombia, date: March 2021
- Read the Amicus brief in Spanish