Stigmatization is the Entry Door for Repression and Violence

By: Gina Romero

Information manipulation and misinformation have acquired a central role, especially in the context of social networks, negatively affecting civil society and activism. Hostile and stigmatizing narratives, often driven by authorities, unduly restrict the rights to freedom of association and peaceful assembly. These narratives include unfounded accusations of terrorism, treason, “anti-development” and exploitation of structural biases such as racism and discrimination. Such discourses not only marginalize activists and organizations, but also legitimize their repression, criminalization and defunding, exacerbating inequalities and eroding democracy.

To counter these narratives, it is crucial to promote messages in support of democracy, dialogue and inclusion, and to highlight the legitimate role of civil society. Solidarity and resilience initiatives must also be encouraged for those targeted, the impact of these narratives must be measured, and States must ensure that they adopt a discourse that respects fundamental freedoms. Persecuting dissent not only undermines the rule of law and human rights, but puts the lives of hundreds of people at risk every year.

Read the full article here.

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