Thank you WMD

It is with deep sadness that I receive the news of the suspension of operations of the World Movement for Democracy.

This is truly heartbreaking news.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my gratitude to each of you for all the years spent building this remarkable community.

I first learned about the movement in 2003, more than two decades ago, when I was a youth activist in Colombia. At the time, I was involved in an organization dedicated to leadership and anti‐corruption initiatives for young people in the country. Since then, I have participated in countless meetings, assemblies, dialogues, and initiatives, all of which contributed to the creation of the vibrant community of democracy defenders we have today.

I have always understood the value of this community, but now, in the midst of this unprecedented crisis and in my capacity as UN Special Rapporteur, I recognize its significance even more. Looking back on all the years we shared, I see how these moments of collective engagement sparked the creation of regional networks, such as the Latin American network I led for almost ten years, as well as transnational movements advocating for citizen participation and civic space.

It is painful to witness the rise of authoritarianism in any context, and to see it attack from all directions. Undoubtedly, depriving the pro‐democracy and human rights movement— meaning the WMD and all of us—of funding to take action is one of the most shameful tactics. However, after decades of knowing those who seek to erode democratic values, this should not come as a surprise.

What matters most now is that the movement proves it can remain united during this challenging time. The movement, comprised of the individuals and organizations that have long championed democracy and the rule of law, must stay together. In these times of deep crisis, only by remaining united can we ensure the long‐term sustainability of the movement. Sustainability transcends mere resources; it lies in our courage, resilience, and our ability to support one another—sharing, resisting those who seek to silence us, and finding hope in new ways to strengthen our cause.

In solidarity, resistance, and hope,


UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association Relatora Especial de Naciones Unidas para los derechos de libertad de asamblea pacífica y de asociación.

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