Ending internet shutdowns report

Ending Internet Shutdowns

Ending Internet shutdowns: a path forward

As a follow-up to his report on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association in the digital era, submitted to the Human Rights Council at its forty first session (A/HRC/41/41), the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association presented to the Human Rights Council a study of recent trends and the impact of Internet shutdowns in relation to peaceful protests.

With this new report, the UNSR seeks to increase understanding of the magnitude and severity of internet shutdowns as a means to suppress the right to peaceful assembly, with a view toward proposing a path forward to end this practice.

The report analyses promising practices and proposes a framework for what needs to be done to address the rising threat of shutdowns.

The report concludes with a set of recommendations for States, including a call for States to amend or repeal laws authorizing shutdowns and instead enact legislation prohibiting and punishing the adoption of these measures. The report also provides recommendation for other key stakeholders, including international institutions, tech companies and their investors.

Read the full report (A/HRC/47/24/ADD.2) in all languages here.






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